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Academic Functions

Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

Emeritus Professor (since 2014)


Professor (1990 – 2014)


Courses and Lectures:

  • General Public International Law (degree course, third year)

  • International Development Law (Master’s degree)

  • Special Public International Law (Master’s degree)

  • International Law of the Economics (Post-graduate studies)

  • The International Legal System (Post-graduate studies)


Director of the Centre for International Law (CEDIN – 1991 – 2001)


Director, Post-graduate Studies in International and European Law of Economics Relations (1991 – 2009), then Co-director (with Jean-Marc Thouvenin) of the Master 2 (research) Laws of International Relations and of the European Union (2009-2014).


Member of the Faculty Board (1995 – 2003)


Member (1990 – 2008) and Chairman of the Commission of Specialists in Public Law (1998 – 2007); Member of the consultative Committee – Public Law (2009 – 2012).


Institut of Political Studies, Paris («Sciences-Po» )

Professor (1980 – 1999)



  • “The legal framework of international relations” (1990 – 1999)

  • “The legal framework of international economic life” (1980 – 1989)


From 1972 to 1975 and from 1977 to 1981, Senior Lecturer in international law (International relations section, second and third years)


From 1970 to 1975, leader of a seminar on international relations (with Professor M. Merle).

University Paris-Nord, Faculty of Law and Political Science

Professor (1974 – 1990) (seconded to the University of Constantine until 15 September 1977)



  • Public international law (general course) (degree course, third year)

  • International development law (degree course, fourth year)

  • International economic law (post-graduate studies in public law and business law)

  • International administrative law (post-graduate studies in public law)


Member of the University Council and the Scientific Council (1979 – 1986)


Director of the Study Group on International law, economics and development (GERDIED)


Delegate for international relations of the University (1978 – 1982)


Vice-Dean (1981 – 1982)


Member of the Faculty Board (1978 – 1982 and 1987 – 1990)


Chairman of the Commission of Specialists in Public Law and Political Science (1985 – 1990)

University René DESCARTES (Paris V)

Courses and Seminars in International Law of Development (1978-1988)

National School of Administration (E.N.A.)

Member of the admissions panel (1980: second external competitive examination; 1981: first external competitive examination and of the graduation panel (1982))


Framing course of international relations: “Third world and development – legal aspects” (1984 – 1985)

University Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), Institut for International Graduate Studies – IHEI


  • “International law, disarmament and development” (1979 – 1980)

  • “The codification of the law of international responsibility” (1994 – 1995)

National School of Administration, Alger

Professor (1975 - 1977)


Courses given:

  • The law of international organizations (diplomatic section)

  • General public international law (general section and diplomatic section)

University of Constantine, Alger

Professor in public law (1975 - 1977), seconded by the University of Paris-Nord under the civilian cultural co-operation scheme



  • International development law (degree course, fourth year)

  • Petroleum law (degree course, fourth year)

  • Public international law, general course (three semesters, degree course, third and fourth years)

Faculty of Law and Economics, Paris (later University Paris II)

Lecturer (1968 - 1974)

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