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Guest Professor

Hague Academy of International Law (1985, 2007, 2018)


Xiamen Academy (2017)


University of Ljubljana Faculty of Law (2017)


University of Sapienza Faculty of Law (Rome) (2017)


UN Regional Courses in Publi International Law (Bangkok) (2016, 2017)


Polish Academy of Sciences – Conference Skubiszewski (Warzaw) (2016)


Law Faculty of the University of Macerata (2016)


Max Planck Institut (Luxembourg) (2016)


Summer Academy on the Continental Shelf (Faroe Islands) (2015)


Gaetano Morelli Lectures (Sapienza University, Rome) (2015)


IBRU/Eversheds Workshop (The Hague) (2015)


Swiss Society for International Law (2015)


United Nations International Law Fellowship Programme (Peace Palace, The Hague) (2014, 2016)


Lalive Lectures (Geneva) (2013)


Pluricourts (Oslo) (2013)


Harvard Law School (2012)


Citizens’ Alliance (Cyprus) (2011, 2017)


Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internationales (CARI) (Buenos Aires) (2011)


Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Derecho (Buenos Aires) (2011)


Yale Law School (2010)


Instituto del Servicio Exterior de la Nación (Buenos Aires) (2010)


Université Laval, Québec (2009)


Diplomatic Academy Bucharest (2006)


Université Lyon III (2005)


Centre for International Law (CEDIN), Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte – Brazil) – Winter Courses (2005, 2009, 2012)


University of Singapore (2004, 2008)


Universidad del Rosario, Bogota (2004)


Universidad Centroamericana, Managua (2004)


University Carlos III, Madrid (2002)


Waseda University, Tokyo (2001)


Humboldt University, Berlin (2000, 2019)


University of Helsinki (2000)


State University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow (1999)


Law Faculty, Edinburgh (1999)


Universities of São Paulo (USP), Brasilia (Catholic University, UnB, Instituto Rio Branco), Belo Horizonte (UFMG) and Rio de Janeiro (PUC/RJ, University Estácio de Sá and UERJ) (1998)


Universidad De Deusto, Bilbao (1998)


University of French West Indies and Guyana, Fort-de-France (1997, 2001, 2006, 2008, 2009)


Dong-A University (Pusan, South Korea) (1997)


MGIMO (Moscow) (1996)


International Development Law Institute (Rome) (1995)


British Institute of International and Comparative Law (London) (1994, 1998, 2012)


Faculty of Law of Sarrebrücken (Germany) (1994)


Faculty of Law of Granada (Spain) (1992)


International Institute of Postgraduate Studies (Geneva) (1992, 2007) then Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (2009, 2013)

New York University (1991)

European University Institute, Florence, (1990)

University of Mauritius, School of Law (1989)

Faculty of Law of Athens (1988)

University College (London) (1986)

Faculty of Law of Tunis (1985, 1988, 1992, 1995)

Faculty of Law of Casablanca (Morocco) (1984)

Warwick University (England) (1984)


Faculty of Law of Damascus (Syria) (1983)


Center for External Relations Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania) (1982)


United Nations University (Tokyo – 1981) (Cairo – 1983)


University Mohamed V of Rabat (Morocco) (1981, 1982)


National University of Benin (1979)


University of French West Indies and Guyana, Pointe-à-Pitre (1979-1986, 1992, 1994-1996, 1998-2005)


Thammasat University of Bangkok (Thailand) (1978)


University of Constantine (1978, 1979, 1980, 1982)


University of Algiers (1977)

Academy of International Law, The Hague


Director of the French-language seminars during the course on public international law (1985)

Inaugural Lecture of the public international law session (2007) : “L’adaptation du droit international aux évolutions de la société internationale”

General Course of Public International Law (2018) : “Le droit international à la lumière de la pratique – Pour une théorie de la réalité”

Xiamen Academy of International Law


“General Course of Public International Law – About Some Mysteries of International Law” (2017)

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva, Switzerland)
(MIDS – Geneva LLM in International Dispute Settlement)


Lecture: “The Case-Law of the ICJ in ICSID Arbitrations” (2013)

Centre for International Law (CEDIN), Federal University of Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) (Winter Courses)


General course: “Le droit international entre souveraineté et communauté internationale – La formation des normes en droit international public” (2005)

Course: “Le droit international dans son infinie variété – Eloge de la soft law” (2009)

General course: “Les ‘mystères’ du droit international” (2012)

Institute of Public International law and International Relations (Thessaloniki, Greece)


“Contre la tyrannie de la ligne droite; aspects de la formation des normes en droit international de l’économie et du développement” (1988)

“La criminalisation du droit de la guerre” (1999)

“Le ‘crime’ international de l’État – une responsabilité pénale internationale ?” (2001)

Centro Internacional Bancaja Para la Paz y el Desarollo (Castellón, Spain)


Fundamental course: “Le droit international à l’aube du XXIème siècle (La société internationale contemporaine – Permanences et tendances nouvelles” (1997)

International Institute of Human Rights (René Cassin) (Strasbourg, France)


Course: “La responsabilité pénale de l’individu en droit international” (1995)

Course: “Introduction au droit international pénal – Les relations entre le droit international général et le droit international pénal” (2011)

Academy of European Law (Florence, Italy)


Course: “Les fondements juridiques internationaux du droit communautaire” (1994)

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